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Active Assailant / Active Shooter - Instructor Training
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Courses are available: Call Us 857-232-7771
Email Us iteachcpr101@yahoo.com
This training isn’t just for school shootings. Shootings can happen in many different locations, and they happen at random. You have no way of knowing in advance when or where this is going to happen. You may be sitting in church on Sunday, minding your own business, and have no idea that a psychopath is armed and is headed in your direction. The first indication you have that anything is wrong is when the gunman starts shooting. You have to be prepared to teach to
Private & Public School boards
Corporations / Businesses
Custom Training Events
Courses are available: Call Us 857-232-7771
Email Us iteachcpr101@yahoo.com
This training isn’t just for school shootings. Shootings can happen in many different locations, and they happen at random. You have no way of knowing in advance when or where this is going to happen. You may be sitting in church on Sunday, minding your own business, and have no idea that a psychopath is armed and is headed in your direction. The first indication you have that anything is wrong is when the gunman starts shooting. You have to be prepared to teach to
Private & Public School boards
Corporations / Businesses
Custom Training Events
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