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babysitter 3 hour work shop
Babysitter Boot Camp®
3 Hour Work Shop
For Boys and Girls from age 10 - 17
Location: CPR With Caring Hands Training Academy Dorchester MA
Call, Text or Email Cynthia D. 857-323-7771 / iteachcpr101@yahoo.com
Learning babysitting skills is not just about changing diapers! In Babysitter Boot Camp® participants learn the business of being a good babysitter through safety skills, etiquette, marketing, choosing age appropriate games, fun activities, and knowing what parents are looking for when they hire a babysitter. Participants earn Babysitter Certification and are trained in Safety, CPR, First Aid and Emergency situations. This is a great workshop for older siblings watching younger, camp counselors, neighborhood babysitters, children coming home from school alone, and Girl & Boy Scouts.
Babysitter Boot Camp teaches Infant, and Child Safety, Basic Life Saving Skills including adult/child CPR, signs of choking, how to help a choking victim, basic First Aid, how to activate and phone your (EMS) Emergency Response Number (911), and Age Appropriate Toys and Games.
Course Covers
Professionalism, Etiquette, Preparedness
Safety, First Aid, CPR, Emergency
Business, Responsibility.
3 Hour Work Shop
For Boys and Girls from age 10 - 17
Location: CPR With Caring Hands Training Academy Dorchester MA
Call, Text or Email Cynthia D. 857-323-7771 / iteachcpr101@yahoo.com
Learning babysitting skills is not just about changing diapers! In Babysitter Boot Camp® participants learn the business of being a good babysitter through safety skills, etiquette, marketing, choosing age appropriate games, fun activities, and knowing what parents are looking for when they hire a babysitter. Participants earn Babysitter Certification and are trained in Safety, CPR, First Aid and Emergency situations. This is a great workshop for older siblings watching younger, camp counselors, neighborhood babysitters, children coming home from school alone, and Girl & Boy Scouts.
Babysitter Boot Camp teaches Infant, and Child Safety, Basic Life Saving Skills including adult/child CPR, signs of choking, how to help a choking victim, basic First Aid, how to activate and phone your (EMS) Emergency Response Number (911), and Age Appropriate Toys and Games.
Course Covers
Professionalism, Etiquette, Preparedness
Safety, First Aid, CPR, Emergency
Business, Responsibility.
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