Babysitter Pro

Babysitter Pro

abysitter Boot Camp® PRO
5 Hour Work Shop
For Boys and Girls from age 10 - 17

Location: CPR Training School 62 Roswell, Street, Alpharetta GA 30009

Students Recieve:
Babysitter Boot Camp® Certification
American Heart Association Heartsaver 2 Year CPR/AED Certification

Call or Email for this Course 857-23C-PR71 /

The Babysitter Boot Camp® PRO workshop is created for the babysitter that wants to be totally prepared for all babysitting changes. In the PRO workshop, babysitters receive the Babysitter Boot Camp® training in addition to an American Heart First Aid and CPR/AED full two-year certification.

The Babysitter Boot Camp® program teaches Boys and Girls ages 10 -17 how to earn their own money, learn the basics of business, gain respect and begin building a reputation for being professional and responsible.
The Babysitter Boot Camp® workshop provides soon-to-be-babysitters and Mother Helpers with everything they need to be a confident, safe and effective babysitter. Participants learn interviewing the parent, reviewing house rules, understanding bedtimes, snacks, homework, friends, TV, games plus an array of expectations.

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