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Babysitters Pro Plus
Babysitter Boot Camp® Certification
Call to Schedule this course 857-23C-PR71 / iteachcpr101@yahoo.com
American Heart Association Heartsaver 2 Year First Aid Certification
3 daycourse
The Babysitter Boot Camp® PRO workshop is created for the babysitter that wants to be totally prepared for all babysitting changes. In the PRO workshop, babysitters receive the Babysitter Boot Camp® training in addition to an American Heart First Aid and CPR/AED full two-year certification.
The Babysitter Boot Camp® program teaches Boys and Girls ages 10 -17 how to earn their own money, learn the basics of business, gain respect and begin building a reputation for being professional and responsible.
The Babysitter Boot Cabe a confident, safe and effective babysitter. Participants learn interviewing the parent, reviewing house rules, understanding bedtimes, snacks, homework, friends, TV, games plus an array of expectations.
In additions to safety issues and dealing with fussy children, Babysitter Boot Camp® PRO students learn how to SAVE A LIFE.
Professionalism, Etiquette, Preparedness
Safety, First Aid, CPR, Emergency
Business, Responsibility, Marketing
Diapers, Age Appropriate Games.
Call to Schedule this course 857-23C-PR71 / iteachcpr101@yahoo.com
American Heart Association Heartsaver 2 Year First Aid Certification
3 daycourse
The Babysitter Boot Camp® PRO workshop is created for the babysitter that wants to be totally prepared for all babysitting changes. In the PRO workshop, babysitters receive the Babysitter Boot Camp® training in addition to an American Heart First Aid and CPR/AED full two-year certification.
The Babysitter Boot Camp® program teaches Boys and Girls ages 10 -17 how to earn their own money, learn the basics of business, gain respect and begin building a reputation for being professional and responsible.
The Babysitter Boot Cabe a confident, safe and effective babysitter. Participants learn interviewing the parent, reviewing house rules, understanding bedtimes, snacks, homework, friends, TV, games plus an array of expectations.
In additions to safety issues and dealing with fussy children, Babysitter Boot Camp® PRO students learn how to SAVE A LIFE.
Professionalism, Etiquette, Preparedness
Safety, First Aid, CPR, Emergency
Business, Responsibility, Marketing
Diapers, Age Appropriate Games.
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